What was special about Russian Insurance Market in 2021? Sum up the results of the year with Denis…
What was remembered for 2021 at the Russian insurance market We decided to summarize the outgoing 2021 years…
What is expected by the mutual insurance society in 2022 – an interview with an expert We managed…
Indicators of insurance companies for 9 months of 2021 On 3rd of December 2021 on the site of…
The growth of the Internet market of insurance may exceed 500 billion rubles in 2024 Almost all sectors…
Research: Where are the startups – “unicorn”? Experts of the Russian Cluster Observatory Institute of Statistical Studies and…
Results of Russian companies that have been exploring the stock exchange In 2020, several Russian companies publicly posted…
Analysis of indicators of insurance companies “LIFE” segment for 6 months of 2021 As we wrote earlier in…
Analysis of the insurance market of Russia for the first half of 2021 The Central Bank of Russia…
Российские ИТ стартапы на страховом рынке России: “Манго” и “Мафин” (часть 1) Ранее в нашей статье Российский страховой…