В этот прекрасный день хотим поздравить всех наших читателей с Новым годом! Пусть 2025 год станет для вас…
Вот и наступило 31 декабря, 2023 год подходит к концу. В этом году рынок частично оправился от последствий…
Trademark Calmins was registered by Rospatent. We have been informing you about all the important news of the…
What will happen to the price of the third party liability insurance policy against the background of rising…
New cars are not available, for balances in warehouses – a significant increase in prices, supply of spare…
Key factors of growth of the Russian insurance market in 2021 and the forecast of Calmins.com. On March…
The insurance market in 2022 may decline by 15% or more amid the “black swan theory”. In connection…
ТЗ Calmins был зарегистрирован Роспатентом Мы уже несколько лет сообщаем вам обо всех важных новостях российского страхового рынка.…
Why the insurers on fully comprehensive insurance and third party liability insurance are interested in driver without fines…
New opportunity for foreign insurance companies Foreign insurance companies who have open branches in Russia will be able…
How to choose an insurance certificate from oncology online? February 4 is a World Cancer Day. This topic…
What was special about Russian Insurance Market in 2021? Sum up the results of the year with Denis…
What was remembered for 2021 at the Russian insurance market We decided to summarize the outgoing 2021 years…
Indicators of insurance companies for 9 months of 2021 On 3rd of December 2021 on the site of…
Profit of insurance companies “Life” in 2020 – the fight against pandemic In our previous review, we discussed…
The growth of the Internet market of insurance may exceed 500 billion rubles in 2024 Almost all sectors…
Краткие итоги работы информационно-аналитического ресурса calmins.com в 2021 году Прощаясь с уходящим годом, мы решили подвести свои собственные…
Голосование начинается! В начале лета на нашем сайте начался конкурс “Страховой агент – встречай лето“, в рамках которого…
Research: Where are the startups – “unicorn”? Experts of the Russian Cluster Observatory Institute of Statistical Studies and…
Results of Russian companies that have been exploring the stock exchange In 2020, several Russian companies publicly posted…